We all have a certain balance of the Four Elements. Maybe one is stronger. Maybe you relate to one more than the others.   

Get down to the fundamentals of being. Your elemental balance reveals deep insights into how you think, speak, feel and act.      


Air personalities are insatiably curious, love learning and travel and are communication wizards.   

They struggle sometimes to keep their feet on the ground and can be prone to overthinking everything.


Stuff happens when Fire personalities are around. Ready to take leaps of faith, they make great leaders.

But fire must look before it leaps if burnt bridges and fingers are to be avoided.


Water types are all about stillness and movement, feeling and flow. Natural navigators of mystery.

Emotional overload can be a wet blanket. Water needs containers and boundaries.  


The deeper our roots the taller we stand. Earth stands for integration, embodiment and community.

Sometimes Earth types can't see the wood for the trees. Lost in details, they can get stuck in the mud.  

Know the elements of being.

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