28 nov—1 DEC


Calling creative souls

So you've worked on yourself, followed paths, dug deep, unwound wounds and climbed high and now... what now? Remember that song? Now that we've found love, what are we gonna do with it?  

And you've probably heard the line that goes, nobody is coming to save us. Now expand that us from you and me to the whole world and you get the picture. It's down to us.  

We need creativity like never before. We're between stories, between acts. The set is changing and the script seems to have big holes in it. We need your idea!    

It could be a story, a book, a product, a service, a song, something that meets a need out there. But so far, your project isn't out there.   

Maybe you don't know what steps to take, whether your idea will actually work, or who it's really for. Is there a market? Are you kidding yourself? 

Still your idea won't let you go. Something touches you, a hunch, an intuition. If only you had time and space to pick it up and turn it around...

Immerse yourself in a magical landscape

You time

Elemental Four Elements Creative Retreat is carefully curated  for you to find the inspiration, passion, flow and structure you need to take your idea forwards.

We're putting the full toolkit at your service. Get into your power with a Four Elements Shamanic Workout. Take your seat in the creative circle and add your idea to the alchemical crucible.  

Whether you're feeling out the concept or grappling with production details, creativity, like Nature, is always in dialogue, always a response, a synthesis of ideas.

Let the group-mind genius of the Thinking Environment help bring your idea to life. Go from grok to business plan, concept to sketch, theme to outline, snatch to song.  

Most important of all, your voice is needed. We're designed to create and innovate as we shift from fear-based competition to conscious cooperation.  

If all this fans the embers of that idea you're sitting on, trust that feeling. Trust your alchemy to transmute the last shreds of resistance into creative gold.    

Transmute your resistance into creative gold

Dissolve creative blocks

Unravel limiting assumptions

Big questions answered

Four Elements Shamanic Workout

Thinking Environment

Mastermind groups

Yoga and breathwork

Luxury accommodation

Glorious location

Sacred space all the way

Who should come?










You have an idea or the idea has you and won't let you go.

It wants to grow into an artwork, a piece of writing, a product, maybe an entire business.  

It needs attention, encouragement, constructive criticism, insightful answers to crucial questions.    

You need crafted time and space to open your being to inspiration, intuition, feeling and detail.

Take time in nature, contemplating your project. Share your thoughts with other creatives round the campfire.  

Authentic creativity draws on all dimensions of being. Fill yourself with inspiration, passion, feeling and pragmatism you need to advance your project.

Work with the elements of creation

Elements of creation

The Four Elements Creative Retreat comes from the same forge as the Four Elements Shamanic Workout.  

We all know the physical aspects of Air, Fire, Water and Earth. They're all around and inside us all the time.  

But the wisdom of the Elements goes much deeper.  Each Element asks a Big Question. Contemplating it folds great wisdom into the creative process.    

When we see how the Elements work within ourselves and in the world at large, we become alchemists, shaping and breathing life into the clay of our projects.



Meet the invisible element that goes everywhere and knows everything.

Clear your head, spread your wings and get inspiration and clarity on what you need to do.  



From mitochondria in every cell to the sun itself, Fire is the driving force of all life on the planet.  

Fan the flames of creativity and passion and get lit up on how to progress your project.



Perhaps the most mysterious element, Water is moving and still, powerful and gentle.  

Discover the deep currents that make a project meangingful, relatable and memorable.  



Earth is the Element of form and structure, where the rubber hits the road.

Embody Earth to tackle details and pragamatics and turn that IF into a WHEN! 

Clear your mind and enjoy quality time to think

A Thinking Environment

"The quality of everything we do depends on the quality of the thinking we do first. The quality of our thinking depends on the way we treat each other while we are thinking."

ELEMENTAL: Four Elements Creative Retreat uses Nancy Kline's world-renowned Thinking Environment.  

This is a powerful process that cultivates independent thinking and accesses the power of the group mind.

Dissolve creative blocks and wrong assumptions misconceptions, how-to problems  holding you back self  

The Thinking Environment is founded on ten principles.


Listening without interruption and with interest in where someone will go next in their thinking.


Regarding each other as thinking peers, giving equal time to think produces high quality ideas and decisions.


Putting aside pressure and urgency in order to access high quality creative thinking.


Humans function best when they are appreciated. Appreciation is an essential balance to criticism.  


When we give each other courage to go further in our thinking, we can go beyond "better than."   


A safe space where emotions can be expressed is a great catalyst for quality thinking.  


Quality thinking depends on quality information.


A commitment to freedom from the false assumptions that underly prejudice.

Incisive Questions

False assumptions can stopper the flow of ideas. The right question can dissolve the block.   


When the physical setting affirms the inclusion, importance and utility of all participants.  

For more information about the Thinking Environment and the seminal book, Time to Think, see timetothink.com.  

Time and space for creative alchemy

Your Guides

Nizami Elé

Designer of transformations. Highly experienced in Amazonian, Andean, Eastern and Western modalities, Nizami is dedicated to using his skills as ceremonialist, teacher, writer and musician, and years of professional design experience to help people transform and come together.  

Natural Wisdom Co's online and real world happenings make esoteric teachings available to everyone, and offer a path of initiation for those ready to deepen into natural wisdom. Find out more about Nizami at his website.

Davina Mackail

Hay House author of Feng Shui Made Easy and The Dream Whisperer, feng shui maestra, shamanic seer and mentor, Davina has inspired miracles of positive transformation in people’s lives for more than 25 years. A popular workshop leader and speaker, she offers her Wisdom that Works consultations to thousands of clients all over the world.

Her love of adventure has seen her leading retreats among the Q'ero communities of the high mountains of Peru for the last 20 years. She recently returned to the UK after two years caretaking 47 hectares of rainforest in the Peruvian Amazon. Davina is based in the UK. Find out more about her at her website.

Luxurious private and shared apartments


Llanerchydol Hall,  Welshpool, Powys SY21 9PQ

—Check in 5PM

— Close 2PM

The Four Elements Creative Retreat takes place at the magical Llanerchydol Hall in Welshpool, Powys, Wales.

In 12 acres of grounds and 60 acres of Grade II parkland, Llanerchydol Hall was bought by a group of friends in 2022 to restore it to its former glory. Please be aware work is still in progress in parts of the Hall.  

Powys is a beautiful part of Wales, home to many stunning valleys, lakes and old oak forests—perfect for creatives tuning into natural wisdom.  

One of three grand houses in Powys, Llanerchydol is a contraction of llanerch hudol or magical glade. The parkland features rare sequoia and cedar trees, a Japanese Garden and a ruined clocktower.

A bit of luxury

If you thought our creative retreat would be all sweat lodges and cold plunges, think again! Creative muscles get deep relaxation in our spacious but cosy luxury suites.  

Organic, vegetarian breakfast, lunch and dinner will be served according to the day's programme, providing just the right fuel for your alchemical activities.

Shared suite


Double or single bed
Bathroom shared with up to 3

Private suite


Super king size bed, private bathroom.


28 nov—1 DEC


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