We offer courses, workshops and retreats to help people find freedom and purpose in life.
We envision a world where success is the health and interbeing of the planet and its communities.
Our work is founded on deep relationship with Nature and the power of the human heart.
Inspiration, creativity, feeling, form: the Four Elements shape the world outside and within.
Get to know them and how they combine to alchemise life, situations and relationships.
Get your FREE profile and guide and find out what it means to be In Your Element.
The Four Elements are the foundation of the universe. Knowing them and how they relate to our being is the foundation of natural wisdom.
Packed with wisdom, contemplations, meditations, breathwork, somatic exercises and real world shamanic missions across hours of audio and video, Elemental Wisdom is an alchemical journey you can take at your own pace.
Learn the art of inspiration, fan the flames of your creativity, deepen your emotional intelligence and embody more light, positivity and purpose.
Find your place in the world.
Much has been written about these times, from the prophecies of indigenous peoples, to modern retellings of archaic revival and global transformation.
It's a time of divergence, of left from right, us from them, yet division reveals two sides of the same coin.
When we balance the inner equations, we integrate inside and outside. We find harmony and flow.
We become instruments of evolution, tuned to the unfathomable power of the heart. We unlock the inspiration and creativity of our natural wisdom.
Let's connect
From the back garden to the ends of the Earth, we love connecting with kindred spirits. Follow us on social media or join our mailing list. You can unsubscribe any time.
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